Donna Troy Suits Up for ‘Titans’ Season 2

As a fan of the 1980’s Wolfman and Perez The New Teen Titans, I was excited to see the live-action Titans series premiere on DC Universe.

I felt the show certainly had its moments in season one, but flopped overall due to really slow pacing. It’s focus felt more on establishing this world and all the characters rather than create a strong plot.

However I enjoyed those characters (except Raven) and believed that though the story wasn’t strong, their investment in the team and world building could pay off for season two.

Well, with that season confirmed and production under way, I am excited to see that we have received our first unofficial look at Donna Troy in costume.

Now, I should say I don’t think this was an accidental slip. A big complaint of this premiere season were the outfits. I think for season 2 they are going to be really playing it safe when it comes to establishing looks. Therefore, this image of Donna Troy in costume might be more of a prototype to see how fans react before they actually commit.

Those are just my thoughts.

What do I think of the costume?

Well, first of all, I’m very content that they decided to go with inspiration from the red suit. That’s my favorite Donna Troy costume. I think the stars look good too. However, there is something about the neckline that feels so awkward and so low-budget. I don’t know what it is.

I wish we could see the full uniform. I’m going to assume that it’s red pants with more stars and her classic black boots but we really don’t know. Also, we can see the hint of her bracelets on her arms.

I’m ok with everything I see except for the neckline. It’s bugging me!

I wish there was a way for them to use armor or allow the uniform to look connected to Gal Gadot’s gladiator themed suit from the films.

Oh well, I’m just happy the classic red is back. Glass half full!


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